Who We Are

One Generation Away is committed to restoring, strengthening and preserving the vision of a free America by applying our founding principles to the issues of today.

It is our mission to be a convenient, user-friendly destination for clear and concise answers to complex issues, framed in freedom and truth, and explained in ways most Americans speak. OneGen will provide straight answers that will ultimately contribute to a nation of better informed citizens who are armed with knowledge that is usable and actionable.

One Generation Away is a qualified, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and contributions to OneGen are fully tax-deductible. Our Employee Identification Number is 27-2944121.

Liberty Nation

At the heart of OneGen’s educational mission, featuring Conservatarian analysis and commentary on today’s issues. It is a trusted source of conservative and libertarian thought for the “thinking reader.”


GenZ News: A Free-Thinking Education Starts Here … 

Roots of Liberty

This curriculum focuses on the Federalist Papers, described by Thomas Jefferson as “the best commentary on the principles of government which was ever written.”

Our Board of Directors

Abby Moffat

Abby Moffat


Abby Moffat is Vice President of the Diana Davis Spencer Foundation and is a veteran leader of several non-profit boards. She is Chairperson of Daniel Morgan Graduate School of National Security and sits on the boards of The Heritage Foundation, the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, the National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship, the Center for Security Policy, the Atlas Economic Research Foundation, Radio America and the Media Research Center.

Scott D. Cosenza

Scott D. Cosenza


Scott Cosenza has served as Policy Director for One Generation Away since 2012 and transitioned into the role of President in 2024. Scott is an attorney who received his law degree from Villanova University and has broad experience in the constitutional realm, with assignments in the Maryland legislature, at Cato Institute and at the Bill of Rights Institute, where he co-authored The Bill of Rights and You. He is Co-Editor of OneGen’s Roots of Liberty.

L. Brent Bozell III

L. Brent Bozell III

Lecturer, syndicated columnist, television commentator, author and activist Brent Bozell is Founder and President of the largest media watchdog organization in America, the Media Research Center. Since its launch in 1987, the MRC has developed the largest video archive in the world; the popular NewsBusters.org blog site; the CNSNews.com internet news service; the Business and Media Institute; and the Culture and Media Institute. The MRC has over 500,000 members nationwide.

Timothy E. Donner

Timothy E. Donner

Tim Donner, longtime entrepreneur, broadcast journalist, conservative public policy advocate and former US Senate candidate from Virginia, is the founder of One Generation Away, where he also served as President through April 2024. He established Horizons Television, which specializes in documentary, educational and promotional video production, and has served as a trustee for several organizations, including the Virginia Institute for Public Policy, Radio America and the National Mental Health Association.

Edwin E. Meese III

Edwin E. Meese III

Ed Meese is a prominent leader, thinker and elder statesman in the conservative movement who served as the 75th Attorney General of the United States from 1985 to 1988. From 1981 to 1985, he served Ronald Reagan as Counsellor to the President – the senior job on the White House staff – and functioned as Reagan’s chief policy adviser. He currently holds the Ronald Reagan Chair in Public Policy at The Heritage Foundation.

Lynn Taylor

Lynn Taylor

Lynn Taylor is president and co-founder of the Virginia Institute for Public Policy, an independent, education and research organization that develops and promotes public policy consistent with the Virginia tradition of individual liberty, dynamic entrepreneurial capitalism, private property, the rule of law, and constitutionally-limited government. She is also president of Tertium Quids, an issue advocacy organization and the executive producer of Freedom & Prosperity Radio, a syndicated talk radio program with a focus on politics and public policy.

Cal Thomas

Cal Thomas

Cal Thomas has long been one of America’s most widely syndicated columnists. His work has appeared in over 500 newspapers across the nation, and his syndicated radio commentary has been heard on over 300 stations. Thomas has written extensively about political issues and he supports, among other things, many American positions related to Israel. Cal also writes for USA Today, is the author of ten books, and has been a frequent guest on Fox News Channel.

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.

We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.

— Ronald Reagan