Negative Interest & the War On Cash

Should we ban the $100 bill?  Or rather stop producing them?  Last week Larry Summers, former Treasury Secretary and Director of the National Economic Council wrote that we should do exactly that because people who want financial privacy use them, and big time drug...

Apple II

On Apple, privacy and what the government has required through the All Writs Act. Marco Rubio said in the last debate: The only thing they’re being asked to do, and the FBI made this very clear about 48 hours ago, is allow us to disable the self- destruct mode that’s...
Travel restrictions are un-American

Travel restrictions are un-American

In his weekly radio address, President Obama announced he would travel to Cuba next month.  He’s not the only one.  Last week it was reported that “The United States and Cuba have signed an agreement authorizing up to 110 daily US commercial flights to Havana and nine...

Do our policework or else….

Let’s say you owned and operated a company that made locks.  Locks for cars, houses, padlocks, etcetera.  Your company sold more locks than most others and were popular.  All sorts of people used them to secure their property and valuables.  The thing is some bad...

Dead Constitution

The Constitution is dead, and so now is the leading proponent of such a view.   Antonin Scalia was the best known and most eloquent proponent for deciding the rule of law absent the preferences of the decider.  That’s what made him a great Justice – that and his...